Fred Williams
In our March Tracker issue, we included a painting of Earl's Cafe by Terrace Park artist, Fred Williams. Since then, several people have stepped forward with photos of some of his other paintings. We would especially like to thank Lifetime member Lynn Mileham for her donation of the winter scene of the Fenton House on Elm Avenue, which is now displayed in our Gallery.
According to a March 2005 Village Views article, 'Fred Williams was a famous local artist who came to Miami Grove and fell in love with the beautiful setting. He moved into one of the rented rooms under Earl’s Café. He was a prolific painter and used whatever material was available to him, often times discarded cardboard or wood signs. The 'rug' sign on the right was the backing for the Riverboat painting.
We would like to add to our collection of these paintings. If you have one you would like to donate, or let us photograph, please let us know.